About KHA
The Killearn Homes Association, Inc., is the voice of Killearn Estates residents on many important issues facing Tallahassee and the Killearn area. Monthly meetings of the Board of Directors are held to adopt policies, determine programs and stay up to date on activities. The board meetings are open to all Killearn property owners and your input is vital to keep the board working for you. The date and time of the meetings is listed the Kloverleaf newsletter. Any items residents wish to discuss at a Board meeting can be placed on the agenda.
Association dues are billed annually on January 1st, with late fees of $25 and $5 handling fee posting on delinquent accounts April 1st. After April 1st, delinquent accounts may be subject to additional collection fees.
Directions: The office is located at 2705 Killarney Way just before the round about. Take Thomasville Road to Killarney Way and the office is the brick building just past the intersection of Killarney Way and Foley Drive.
Contact Us
Please feel free to stop by the office between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Please follow us on Facebook for the latest updates/announcements here
To contact the office by phone (between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) the telephone number is 850-893-3468.
If you have something you would like to fax to the office please use the following fax number 850-668-0530.
You can contact the office via email kha@killearn.org.
If you would like to send mail use the following address:
Killearn Homes Association
2705 Killarney Way
Tallahassee, FL 32309